YEARS 7-9 (11-13)

Pupils follow a curriculum with a broad range of subjects – usually around 14 – to give them a grounding in the basics of all disciplines. The only choices of subjects pupils tend to have is in Modern Languages (French; German; Spanish). The Sciences (Physics; Chemistry; Biology) are taught separately. Pupils in Independent Preparatory Schools will work towards their Common Entrance exams, which they take at the end of Year 8. All pupils – in both Independent and Maintained schools – choose the subjects they will study for GCSE at the end of Year 9.

YEARS 10-11 (14-16)

Pupils follow a two-year GCSE course in 9-12 subjects.  They sit exams in each of these subjects at the end of Year 11.

YEARS 12-13 (Sixth Form) (16-18)

Sixth Form pupils follow two-year courses in 3-6 subjects, leading to the exams which will determine university entrance (A-Levels; IB; Pre-U)