Whilst not being completely like Hogwarts, British boarding schools are both unique and quirky; this can be confusing if you haven’t experienced them before. Click below to find out a little bit more about the boarding school world.


There are around 500 boarding schools in the UK. Pupils can board from the age of 8; many do so from 13.


Each boarding school is different: single sex & co-ed; location; history; particular specialisms; uniform…finding the one that best suits your child is the most challenging part!

British schools and universities are world-renowned but the UK’s education system can, at first glance, seem quite complicated.  Please click on the drop down menu above to explore various aspects of it.


There are just over 32,000 schools in the United Kingdom, educating children from the ages of 3-18.


There are 166 universities in the United Kingdom, together with 277 higher education colleges.